Sunday, September 24, 2006

My Sister's Birthday

A few pictures from the night out we had for my sister Sophie's 23rd birthday. We had a blast... I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.

Here's a little description:

- The most fucked up picture I've ever seen. That's our friend Kevin on one side, and my sister on the other. I don't think you could recreate this picture even if you tried. I'm not sure you'd want to.

- We were on the subway and Fred and I had to go. Couldn't hold it any more. He found a cup, meanwhile I had some bottle. I was very careful to ensure none of my body parts actually touched the bottle in any way. We ended up opening the subway door and tossing it out. Really fucked.

- Outside the bar, one of many ice cubes they had put in my shirt. I took a picture. Don't ask why.

- There's really nothing to say about this picture. I have no idea why I'm even posting it.

- Fred (my sister's fiance), Sophie and I. Man, we were fucking wasted.

I haven't had fun like this in I don't fucking know how long.

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